Air Pollution Complaints

Citizen complaints regarding emissions of air contaminants, including smoke and dust, are promptly and thoroughly investigated by the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District (GBUAPCD) to ensure public health is being adequately protected.

File an Air Pollution Complaint

To file an air pollution complaint in Inyo, Mono and Alpine counties please contact GBUAPCD at:

Phone: (760) 872‑8211
Email: Air Quality Specialists:
Luke Eisenhardt
Tom Schaniel -
Office Location: 157 Short Street, Bishop CA 93514
(Working hours Monday-Friday 8a.m.-5p.m.).

Useful Complaint Information
  • What is the source of the air quality complaint? Please inclue an accurate description of location (address, business name, resident name, house color, field location, etc.).
  • What is the nature of the emission complained of? Is there smoke, fumes, dust, soot, odors, etc?
  • When does the problem occur? It is best to call when the problem is occurring. If there is fugitive dust, if possible, determine the name of the business or person generating the fugitive dust.
  • Who are you? GBUAPCD will need your name, address and phone number. All information about you and your complaint will be kept confidential by GBUAPCD staff.
  • GBUAPCD Air Quality Specialists will inspect the site as soon as possible. If there is a smoke problem, please note the day and time of the problem and if there is a pattern.

Vehicle Complaints

California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulates all moblie sources of pollution.

To report smoking or idling vehicles please call CARB's vehicle complaint hotline at 1‑800‑END‑SMOG or complete CARB's online complaint form.